Judicial Branch of the State of Mexico
Institution: Judicial Branch of the State of Mexico

Judicial Branch of the State of Mexico has been concerned with safeguarding and preserving the memory of those decisions emanating from judges and justices. Decisions that can be reflected in court orders and judgements.

The set of information that will be kept in the Arctic World Archive (AWA) belongs to a selection of documents related to records of proceedings on land titles, conflicts between peoples of the state of Mexico, boundaries, Bands, Decrees, files on transfers of treasures, Royal Instructions, Royal Certificates, appointments, lawyers, Sedition, Theft, and documentation related to illustrious characters of our state, among others. Also, the oldest documents such as the records of the minutes of installation of the Supreme Court of Justice in the year 1825. Information that is reflected in 492 files and 18,309 images covering the period from 1583 to 1994.

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