Introducing AWA

An unhackable alternative to cloud storage, giving everyone access to store their data in AWA for valuable and diverse digital and analog data.

The AWA web application for uploading data

First-Class Archival Features

A dashboard built for long term data archival, by archivists.

Generate metadata with AI

Automatically generate metadata for your files with our state of the art Machine Learning algorithm.*

Start preserving
Automatic metadata generation in the AWA web application

Custom metadata schemas

Define your own metadata schemas, and give a personal structure to your files.

Define you own metadata schemas in the AWA web application

Data-based Pricing

A pricing model that is fair and based on how much data you want to store.

View our plans

How much data would you like to store for eternity?

My First piqlFilm

0 GB

120 GB


After you register, you can immediately start uploading your data to your first piqlFilm. You can upload unlimited data in AWA on multiple piqlFilms. Each film has a capacity of 120 GB. Everything you upload will be stored on our secure cloud until you submit and pay for the deposit. Optionally you can also store your data online.

Start Preserving

Store your data

You can upload any file format you would like. By default, your data is written in digital format (QR-codes) keeping the authenticity and integrity of your files. However, you can choose to write your data in visual format, creating a black and white image representation of your file. Visuals can be read by only using a magnifying glass.

Piql film magnifying the QR code containing data.
Piql Reader

Retrieve your data

When you request your data back, the correct piqlFilm is retrieved from the vault and placed on the piqlReader. It will read the requested data back from the piqlFilm and make the files available to you in the online portal.

Read more about Technology on Piql's website
The process from signing up to submitting your data to be deposited in the Arctic World Archive.


To visit Svalbard is on many people's bucket list, and we recommend everyone who stores their precious memories in AWA to participate in a deposit ceremony. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or special wishes for your visit.

Public Ceremony

Do you have memories and information that is a contribution to «World Memory»? Then we can offer a public deposit ceremony in AWA, by invitation only.

There will be an intimate ceremony with presentations of all deposits, before walking through the mine to deposit the world memories in the vault. We also have joint social activities and a celebratory Arctic dinner.

You will receive a certificate of your deposit.

Contact us now for interest

Private Ceremony

Would you like to store your personal or business memories and values for the future? We can arrange a private deposit ceremony for you on request. Let your employees, business associates, friends or family join the adventure.

Travel to see and explore Svalbard’s beautiful nature.

There will be an intimate ceremony, before walking through the mine to deposit your memories in the vault.

We can arrange for social activities and a celebratory Arctic dinner.

Contact us now for interest

Online Ceremony

We know that Svalbard is a long way to travel for many. Therefore, we offer an Online Ceremony, where you can participate from home. Gather up with your colleagues, friends, and family to watch our livestream event from the mine and vault, and see your values be safely stored in AWA. You will get a nice video afterwards to use for promoting your deposit.

This is always arranged for the Public Ceremonies and can also be arranged for a Privat Ceremony.

Contact us now for interest