Have questions about AWA?

Contact us anytime

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What data can I store?

You can store any file type or digital information; however, we recommend certain file types such as PDF, WAV and TIFF for digital preservation purposes.

How is my data stored?

Your data is stored on the piqlFilm (developed by Piql AS) that is a unique and very robust data storage medium that is ultra-secure, non-hackable, immutable, self-contained, unalterable, and migration-free – and that has been tested with documented longevity of over 1000 years. The target for AWA is to reach 2000 years. Further, the piqlFilm is immune to electromagnetic radiation and cyberattacks. Your piqlFilm is stored offline and off-grid.

How do I get my data back?

You can get back your data in two ways; if you have a active subscription on AWA you can always download the data from the online cloud storage. You just search and find your file and then click download. If you do not have an valid subscription on AWA you request retrieval of your piqlFilm(s) through the online portal or by contacting the AWA team.

How long does it take to get my data back?

If you have active subscription on AWA you download your file(s) from the online cloud storage. Since we are using archival cold storage, this could take up to 24 hours. If you do not have an active subscription, you request retrieval of your piqlFilm. This could take up to 72 hours.

Who owns my data?

You always own your own data. If you store your data on your own piqlFilm, you also own that piqlFilm. If you share a piqlFilm, you still own your data, but the piqlFilm is owned by AWA.

Who can access my data?

Only you that can access, download and retrieve your data. However, since AWA is about protecting World Memory for the benefit of future generations the idea is also to share history and memories with the world, so AWA has the right to share/exhibit/display your information for this purpose if nothing else has been agreed.

Why do I have to pay a subscription fee?

You pay a subscription fee to have access to the AWA portal to upload your data and use the services to add metadata/indexing information, you get cloud storage of the data on your piqlFilm and you may download from the cloud storage at no additional cost. Further you become a member of the AWA Community and you support the AWA Foundation and more. Once you have uploaded your data you can terminate your subscription, but then you lose the above-mentioned benefits. However, your data remains stored securely in AWA.

Why is AWA secure?

AWA is located in a well-kept and safe decommissioned mine, Mine no. 3 (Gruve 3) that is owned by Store Norske Spitsbergen Kulkompani (SNSK). SNSK has more than 100 years’ experience developing and operating mines and infrastructure on Svalbard and is owned by the Norwegian Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries. SNSK is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the vault, including security and access control for AWA. The vault is protected according to best practice media vault security standards and is under alarm protection and video surveillance 24/7.

What about Svalbard and global warming?

You are right that the global warming in the Arctic is an issue, so we shall do our part to preserve the climate and the fragile nature in the Arctic. AWA is located in the centre of the permafrost, 300 meter inside and below the top of the mountain. This means that any change of temperature in the vault will take a long time. Further, the piqlFilm is tested in 21 degrees Celsius to qualify it for 1000 years, so if the temperature inside the vault increases from -4 degrees Celsius to +4 degrees Celsius it will really not affect the lifetime of the data too much.

How sustainable is AWA?

The piqlFilm is a migration free, future proof and passive storage technology with a very low CO2 footprint that is extremely cost efficient and sustainable over time. The technology needs no servers, no migration, no electricity to keep the data alive for centuries. Storage conditions in AWA are ideal for piqlFilm, - cold, dry and dark. So, no need to cool or heat to keep data alive. The only data storage facility in the world with a zero-carbon footprint!

Can my data be stored confidentially?

Yes, they can, but since the idea with AWA is that it is a repository for World Memory and something that is built to be shared with future generations, we have an alternative secret vault at a secret location for your confidential data.

How can I attend a deposit?

Anybody that deposits data in AWA can attend a public, a private or an online deposit ceremony. Please contact us for further information.

Will my memories be shared with the world?

Since AWA is about protecting World Memory for the benefit of future generations the idea is also to share history and memories with the world, so by default AWA has the right to share/exhibit/display your information for this purpose. If you do not want your data to be shared you can inform us and it shall be kept confidential.

Is the transfer of my files secure?

Yes, we use secure HTTPS file transfer with TLS 1.2, 256-bit AES encryption and SHA384. The files are also securly encypted on the AWA cloud using FIPS 140-2 compliant 256-bit AES encryption.

Where is the AWA cloud?

The AWA cloud is located at Microsoft Azure data center in Norway. All files securly encypted on the AWA cloud using FIPS 140-2 compliant 256-bit AES encryption. All data is also stored with locally redundant avaliability.

Want to join a deposit on Svalbard?

To visit Svalbard is on many people's bucket list, and we recommend everyone who stores their precious memories in AWA to participate in a deposit ceremony.