Institution: KDRS

KDRS is the Norwegian municipal archive institutions’ digital resource centre and is owned by the members, who are municipal and inter-municipal archive institutions from all over Norway. KDRS shall be the natural partner for municipal and county archive institutions in the work of handling digitally created material. For the inauguration of the Arctic World Archive the deposited records related to the management of nature and the environment from the Sogn and Fjordane county municipality.

Read more about KDRS:


Other collections

Nat Friedman looking out of a glass bubble on Svalbard.


Arctic Code Vault

Arctic Code Vault: Safeguarding Open Source Code for the Future, in AWA!

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National Archive of Mexico

Independence Act of the Mexican Empire

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National Archive of Mexico
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Higgs boson scientific breakthrough

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Want to join a deposit on Svalbard?

To visit Svalbard is on many people's bucket list, and we recommend everyone who stores their precious memories in AWA to participate in a deposit ceremony.