Institution: GitHub

In their second deposit, GitHub preserved a snapshot of all active public repositories on its platform into AWA in July 2020. The snapshot, taken on 02/02/2020 swept up every active public GitHub repository. It included every repo with any commits between the announcement at GitHub Universe on November 13th and 02/02/2020; every repo with at least 1 star and any commits from the year before the snapshot; and all repos with at least 250 stars. The selection of repositories was deliberately complete and democratic, not just the most important open-source software but all of it. Each reel of piqlFilm with the open-source software contains a human readable guide to its content in five languages. “Piql’s custom film and archiving technologies will allow us to store terabytes of data on a durable medium designed to last for over 1,000 years. We’re delighted that every active public GitHub repository will be written to this film, and safeguarded in the Arctic World Archive in Svalbard, for the centuries and generations to come.” Kyle Daigle, Director of Special Projects at GitHub. See GitHub’s video from Svalbard here:

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