Fundación Felipe Gónzalez deposited important political memories, including transcripts of secret meetings, photographs, letters and handwritten notes by the sitting President.
Read more about Felipe Gónzalez Foundation: collections
Minna Alaluusua
Finnish art
The Finnish contemporary artist and Master of Arts preserved valuable photographs (some model and artwork photos) in digital and visual...
Minna AlaluusuaMartin Schøyen Foundation
Bibliotheca Manuscripts Schoeyana
The Schøyen Collection was started around 1920 by Engineer M.O. Schøyen (1896-1962), father of Martin Schøyen, who collected some 1000...
Martin Schøyen FoundationThe Saga Heritage Foundation
Icelandic and Nordic manuscripts
The Saga Heritage Foundation has chosen to deposit the Flateyjarbok from 1387, one of the most important Icelandic and Nordic...
The Saga Heritage Foundation